Maybe it’s not a relapse.
Maybe it’s not a failure.
Maybe it’s a learning moment.
Figuring out how to embrace discomfort,
In a different way.
Maybe it’s not a relapse.
Maybe it’s not a failure.
Maybe it’s a learning moment.
Figuring out how to embrace discomfort,
In a different way.
I said I was going to quit so many mornings but never did anything different. Drinking was going to kill me but I couldn’t stop. I needed to change my brain. I decided I would change the way I thought about drinking by reading sober and alcohol free writings and blogs every morning. By surrounding myself with different information, I completely changed the way I thought about and dealt with alcohol addiction. I learned how to change my habits, I learned how to think differently about self-care, and I took a real look at how I treated myself. I started to see alcohol for the poison that it is. My personal reality changed by reading the stories of others. Now I share my own stories here to help others and to continue the healing.